CAS No.: 17527-29-6
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorooctyl Acrylate is important intermediates for the production of surface protective agents.
CAS No.: 2495-39-8
ALS Sodium Allylsulfonate is used as brightener for nickel plating to improve metal distribution and ductility.
CAS No.: 5425-78-5
ATP S-Carboxyethylisothiuronium Chloride is impurities tolerance agent, improve covering power at low densities.
CAS No.: 2618-96-4
BBI Bis(benzene sulphonyl)imide has the general properties of sulfonyl imide and is soluble in alkali solution.
CAS No.: 67874-62-8
BCES (Hydroxypropyl) Butyne Diether Disulfonate, Sodium Salt is directly used as brightener and weak leveling agent.
CAS No.: 1606-79-7
BMP Butynediol Propoxylate is a condensate of butynediol and propylene oxide, and is one of the most commonly used long-term nickel plating intermediates.