CAS No.: 1606-85-5
BEO 1,4-Bis(2-hydroxyethoxy)-2-butyne is nickel plating, Long-acting brightener, weak leveler.
CAS No.: 110-65-6
BOZ 2-Butyne-1,4-diol is used in organic raw materials, solvents, cyanide-free electroplating bath, also used in artificial leather, medicine and pesticide industry.
CAS No.: 1896-62-4
BAR Benzalacetone is used for organic synthesis intermediates, dyeing mordants, fixatives, perfumery or flavor enhancers, volatilization preventers and zinc plating brighteners.
CAS No.: 15990-43-9
BPC N-Benzylniacin is used to prepare brightener for galvanizing.
CAS No.: 9002-98-6
PEI Polyethyleneimine is used as basic brightener, crystal-grained agent to improve Dispersion force in alkaline plating for zinc, cooper, tin, copper-tin alloy, aluminum alloy and etc.
CAS No.: 68794-57-9
IME Imidazole and Epichlorohydrin Compounds is used in cyanide, alkaline, cyanide-free zinc plating.